- Danny’s good company
- My daughters
- Our comfortable home
- Good eyesight and hearing
- Friends who make me think and encourage my creativity
- The pleasure of good food
- Fourfold Farm and the many other good people who grow our food
- The chance to do my dream of writing for a living
- Spinning, knitting and weaving projects to keep me busy for years
- Great music
- Great literature
- My cottage on a quiet lake
- The woods behind our house
- Space to grow vegetables
- Freedom to love who I choose
- The memory of freedom to play as a child
- The beauty and complexity of the universe
- Healing from illness and painful past experiences
- The opportunity of life
- Time to be still
These are all good things! Happy birthday! It’s been great getting to know you better.
Are you Joe In Wyoming? Thanks for visiting and for the birthday wishes!